CyberTouch II

This new deviation of the CyberTouch product line incorporates vibrotactile sensors into the inside of the fingertips. These sensors are small and lightweight, reducing the weight and bulkiness of the previous iteration, while also providing a more realistic sensory experience.

The array of stimulators can generate simple sensations such as pulses or sustained vibration, and they can be used in combination to produce complex tactile feedback patterns. Software developers can design their own actuation profiles. The CyberTouch tactile feedback option is essential to anyone serious about using their hands to interact with objects in a virtual world.

  • Vibro-tactile actuators: A total of 6; one on the inside of each finger, one on the palm
  • Vibrational Frequency: 0-125 Hz
  • Vibrational Amplitude: 1.2 N peak-to-peak at 125 Hz (max)
  • Sensor Resolution: <1 degree
  • Sensor Repeatability: 3 degrees (average standard deviation between wearings)
  • Sensor Linearity: maximum 0.6% nonlinearity over full joint range
  • Sensor Data Rate: 90 records/sec (typical)
  • Interface Unit: 3.0 x 4.55 x 1.04 in (7.62 x 11.56 x 2.64 cm)
  • Cable: Standard 25 ft (7.62m)
  • Interface: RS-232 (115.2 kbaud max)

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