
Add touch navigation and haptics to your applications
Create a compelling user experience for your customers. OpenHaptics® enables users to go beyond working with a 2D mouse in your applications to interacting with and manipulating objects in a realistic, intuitive way. Allow users to feel objects in a virtual 3D scene, making skills easier to learn. Give your customers true 3D navigation and direct interaction in a way that makes them more productive and adds a “wow” factor to your application.
The OpenHaptics Developer Edition enables software developers to add haptics and true 3D navigation to a broad range of applications including 3D design and modeling, medical, games, entertainment, visualization, and simulation. This haptics toolkit is patterned after the OpenGL® API, making it familiar to graphics programmers and facilitating integration with OpenGL applications. Using the OpenHaptics toolkit, developers can leverage existing OpenGL code for specifying geometry and supplement it with OpenHaptics commands to simulate haptic material properties such as friction and stiffness.
OpenHaptics Features
The extensible architecture enables developers to add functionality to support new types of shapes. It is also designed to integrate third-party libraries such as physics/dynamics and collision-detection engines as found in Unity or Unreal Engine. The OpenHaptics toolkit supports the range of 3D Systems haptic devices, from the low-cost Touch™ to the Touch X™ haptic device to the larger Phantom® Premium™ haptic devices. The OpenHaptics toolkit supports Microsoft® Windows® 10 and 11 and Linux®.
- OpenHaptics is available for Microsoft Windows 64-bit 10 and 11, as well as for Linux.
- Linux support, including support for 7 DOF option, pinch grips, and customized grips. TGZ packages are provided for easy installation across various Linux distros. Use OpenHaptics to develop Linux applications that require 7DOF positional sensing.
- Utilize the interchangeable snap-on end effectors or design your own custom grip for 6DOF Phantoms.
- Adjust torque parameters on 6DOF devices: Make individual adjustments to the torque parameters for pitch, roll, and yaw on the gimbal.
- New demos and source code examples: Jump-start your application development with new demos and examples that show you how to: use haptics to place a medical tool in the correct position; define your own force model; and set different material properties depending on depth of penetration.
- HapticsDirect plug-ins available for Unity and Unreal gaming engines
Windows based machines
Proper operation and control of the Haptic Servo Loop requires sufficient “real-time” performance of the host computer. Special computers are needed to ensure optimal performance and experience while using the 3D Systems haptic devices. Using computers that do not meet the specifications may result in slower, inconsistent, or intermittent communications with the haptic device which may cause device hangs or shutdown.
Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10 and 11
Processor: Intel i5 / i7, 5th Generation or greater CPU, Minimum 2.5 GHz frequency
RAM: Minimum 4 GB
Graphics Card: Minimum 256 MB VRAM (Install the latest drivers)
Disk Space: 512 MB
Display Resolution Interface: 1280 x 800 (Minimum)
- Touch or Touch X
- USB 2.0 / 3.0 port or USB Hub that supports USB 2.0/ 3.0.
- Please make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use the most up-to-date driver for whichever card is chosen.
- Phantom Premium models
- Parallel Port (EPP Mode port built into the motherboard or an Axxon parallel adapter card is recommended)
- NOTE: an Axxon parallel adapter card is available for Premium parallel port devices.
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2017, or Visual C++ 2022
One of the following supported 3D Systems haptic devices and drivers:
- Touch or Touch X (HID, USB, or LAN devices)
- Touch Device Driver 2022.8.1 or above
- Phantom Premium 1.5, 1.5 High Force, 1.5/6DOF or 1.5HF/6DOF (Parallel port only)
- Phantom Device Driver 5.1.7 or above
- Windows based Drivers and OpenHaptics may be found here.
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Linux based machines
Proper operation and control of the Haptic Servo Loop requires sufficient “real-time” performance of the host computer. Special computers are needed to ensure optimal performance and experience while using the 3D Systems haptic devices. Using computers that do not meet the specifications may result in slower, inconsistent, or intermittent communications with the haptic device which may cause device hangs or shutdown.
Operating System: Ubuntu 20 or greater
Processor: Intel i5 / i7, 5th Generation or greater CPU, Minimum 2.5 GHz frequency
RAM: Minimum 4 GB
Graphics Card: Minimum 256 MB VRAM (Install the latest drivers)
Disk Space: 512 MB
Display Resolution Interface: 1280 x 800 (Minimum)
- Touch or Touch X
- USB 2.0 / 3.0 port or USB Hub that supports USB 2.0/ 3.0.
- Please make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use the most up-to-date driver for whichever card is chosen.
- Phantom Premium models
- Parallel Port (EPP Mode port built into the motherboard or an Axxon parallel adapter card is recommended)
- NOTE: an Axxon parallel adapter card is available for Premium parallel port devices.
- Mesa-OpenGL® with GLX interface to the X Window System. Make sure that “glxgears” runs on your system.
- GLUT-OpenGL Utility Toolkit
- MesaGLw-Mesa Widget Library. Requires the Motif bindings (built with ./configure –enable-motif)
- FreeType2-Portable font engine (
One of the following supported 3D Systems haptic devices and drivers:
- Touch or Touch X (HID, USB, or LAN devices)
- Touch Device Driver 2022.8.1 or above
- Phantom Premium 1.5, 1.5 HF, 1.5 6DOF, or 1.5 HF/6DOF (Parallel port only)
- Phantom Device Driver 5.1.7 or above
- Linux based Drivers and OpenHaptics may be found here.
Scroll down until you see “OpenHaptics”
More Information
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