Impulse X2E
Uniquely Identified Active Markers
PhaseSpace’s Super Power.
Active Markers means no marker-swap,
Capture more. Clean up data less.
Experience the Active Marker Advantage
PhaseSpace’s Intelligent Active Marker System is unrivaled in speed, precision, and flexibility.
The Fastest Real-Time Motion Capture System on the Planet.
No other motion capture system can come close to the Impulse X2E capture rate of 960 frames per second at full 13MP resolution. That means you don’t have to choose between speed and resolution: You get the best of both worlds. Whether it’s Virtual Reality Entertainment or Biomechanical Engineering, the most demanding customers use PhaseSpace for its superior speed and precision.
The Highest Resolution Sensors Ever in a Motion Capture Camera.
The Impulse X2E system captures at an astonishing 36,000 x 36,000 sub-pixel resolution in HDR. (1,300 MP) That’s roughly 100 times the resolution of most motion capture cameras. What’s our secret? We use customized linear detectors instead of RGB cameras like other mocap systems. This equates to unparalleled tracking precision at full speed. (Down to 20µ at 960 Hz)
Full System Details

Advantages of the Impulse X2E System
- Real-time tracking of multiple subjects & objects
- Patented active marker technology eliminates marker-swapping for cleaner data
- Solid, precise motion data with sub-millimeter resolution
- Streamlined operation means a single person can setup and run the system
- Portable system enabling indoor and outdoor motion capture
- 960Hz capture rate accurately tracks the fastest motions
- Stream motion data directly into third-party software such as MotionBuilder, JACK, Visual3D, etc…
Flexible, Scalable and Powerful
- Capture up to 8 human subjects (body and fingers), more with multiple systems
- Track very high speed motion at up to 960 frames per second
- Capture spaces can be anywhere from 8’x8′ to 50’x50′, even larger with overlapping camera setups or multiple systems
- Easy, smooth set up and operation
- Scales from 2 cameras to 48+ cameras
- Unsurpassed customer service and support
- Used by demanding, high-profile customers including NASA, Naval Research Lab, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Disney, Harmonix, University of Cambridge, Stanford, and UC Berkeley
Tech Specs
- Less than 3 ms latency, even at full marker load
- Scalable from 2 to 48+ PhaseSpace Impulse X2 cameras
- Server machine with built-in hub and base station
- Cameras are daisy-chained and powered directly by the PhaseSpace HUB
- Active LED markers
- LED controllers
- Cables, mounts, etc.
- PhaseSpace Software Package
- API/SDK in C++ and Python
- Telephone, Email and Live Online Support included
- Lightweight linear detector based cameras (3600 x 3600 resolution at 960 Hz)
- Sub-pixel resolution to 36000 x 36000 at 960Hz
- 60 degrees camera field of view
- Active LED technology resulting in a unique ID for each marker
- Server machine with integrated HUB supports from 2 to 48+ Impulse X2 cameras
- Data streamed in real-time to multiple clients, even over a network or the Internet
- API/SDK provides support for third-party applications for real-time user interaction
Dimensions: 108 mm x 92 mm x 57 mm (4.25″ x 3.62″ x 2.25″)
Weight: 380 grams (13.4 ounces)
Each camera achieves an Optical Resolution of 3600 x 3600 (12 Megapixel) using two linear detectors with 16-bit dynamic range. Onboard processors produce an impressive Subpixel Resolution of 30,000 x 30,000 at 960 Hz.
Dimensions: 126 mm x 70 mm x 25 mm (5″ x 2.75″ x 0.85″)
Weight: 90 grams (0.2lbs)
The LED Controller, an RF transceiver, utilizes an onboard microprocessor to control up to 72 LEDs. Battery life is 2 to 4 hours of continual use, up to 8 hours of typical use.
Dimensions: 20 mm x 14 mm x 3.2 mm (0.8″ x 0.55″)
Weight: 4.5 grams (0.01lbs)
Each LED modulates at a unique frequency resulting in a unique digital ID. LEDs are available in Red visible and Infra-red versions.
Dimensions: 44.76 x 17.78 x 45.43cm (17.6 x 7 x 17.9in)
Weight: Starting at 10.7 kg
Processor: Intel Quad Core
Chipset:Intel 3450 Chipset
Memory: 4GB
Integrated PhaseSpace HUB
Network: Gigabit
Built-in 2.4 Ghz Transceiver synchronizes the LED controllers with the server.
Dimensions: 96.5 x 3.8 x 3.8cm (38 x 1.5 x 1.5in)
The calibration wand serves as the principal tool used to accurately calibrate the system. The calibration wand allows a user to calibrate the given capture area in a matter of minutes.
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