IPSITM SDK (Interactive Physics Simulation Interface) is a software library for rigid-body physics simulation with force-feedback developed by Haption in collaboration with CEA LIST. It is the only software technology available on the market today able to carry out a real-time simulation at near-kHz frame rate with very large, non-convex geometries. Thanks to its use of a voxel-based representation of physical objects, IPSI is very tolerant with respect to “dirty” geometry. IPSI can guarantee the non-interpenetration of objects, and set a strict value for the clearance between objects.

IPSI is used in the implementation of the following products by Haption:

IPSI is a physics engine and a comprehensive solution to stability problems, model complexity and precision issues in case of industrial applications.


IPSI is a client/server technology. The CPU-intensive computation is carried out by the server, which can be located on a dedicated workstation. The client is only responsible for the graphical update of the scene, so that very little workload is added to the application.

The IPSI server integrates software modules for collision detection (LMD++) and for simulation of movement (GVM) developed by CEA LIST. It also integrates the software library for collision detection VPSTM (Voxmap PointShell) developed by BOEING/Phantom Works.

  • Distributed architecture (client/server) based on the ONC RPC (open standard)
  • Scenes composed of rigid bodies
  • Simulation of simple kinematics chains (including closed loops)
  • Static integration (no inertial forces)
  • 6-DOF force-feedback output
  • Compatibility with all the product line Virtuose
  • Degraded operation without force feedback for 6D mouse (product line 3DConnexion©)
  • Compatibility with optical tracking systems from ART, Vicon, Motion Analysis, Xsens, trackd from Mechdyne

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